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Innovation in Vocal Teaching Method

The innovation of this method lies in the ability to conduct singing lessons not only in-studio but also remotely via Skype, and it works! In the United States, this approach has been established for decades. Even Michael Jackson, in a time before the internet, used telephone communication for his singing lessons with his vocal coach. Now, you can have your singing lessons whenever and wherever you want.

How Does It Work?

How can a remote lesson be as effective as an in-person one? The answer lies in the effectiveness of the Cause & Effect method, which allows Katia to carefully assess your voice and its challenges. After a brief and simple vocal test, Katia will be able to identify your vocal characteristics, define the goals to achieve, and guide you on how to reach them. Through personalized vocal exercises, you will immediately feel an easier and effortless vocal production.

This method is based on neuro-muscular memory, aiming to reprogram the "voice memory" through exercises so that these sensations automatically reproduce when you sing a song.

Why is it Effective?

The technique, also known as MIX or Mixed Voice method, focuses on vocal transitions. The transition is a group of notes through which the voice moves from chest voice (low notes) to head voice (high notes). The first transition is usually the most challenging and commonly sung. Vocal difficulties can vary, such as transitioning from a full chest voice to falsetto, or the inability to reach high notes, which leads the singer to "push" the chest voice. Conversely, some voices may be too airy and light, lacking power. By mixing the voice, the singer will be able to transition between registers gradually and naturally, without changes in quality, effortlessly, and in all dynamics.

Guaranteed Results: Online and In-Person Lessons

Whether you take a singing lesson via Skype or in person, the results of this extraordinary method are guaranteed. You can watch demonstrations of the method on this website and on YouTube. For decades, the Mix method has been the go-to for the biggest American stars: Stevie Wonder, Anita Baker, Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, and hundreds of Grammy Award winners. The method is suitable for everyone, regardless of age (minimum age 8), even for those who have never taken lessons and want to learn to sing.

No more excuses! Book a singing lesson online or in person now!

What They Say About My Method



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